Friday 15 April 2011


                 It feels just like yesterday that I sat for my SPM! I remember just telling everyone that I am going to enjoy myself and I am not going to think about college. I told them that there are still 3 months more so I will just wait till my results come out. Well, 3 months went by so quickly and there was the nervousness of collecting my results... and now,  I am in COLLEGE!!
                  The orientation was held over two days -  March 31 and  April 1. For those of you who don’t know, I am studying at the  TAYLOR'S LAKESIDE CAMPUS!! I am doing my Diploma in Mass Communications. One thing I can tell you about the campus is, it is REALLY nice. I mean the environment and the surroundings are amazing. I have never seen a campus or any other college ofr that matter that has the same features. 
                  On the first day of orientation I was obviously very nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I wondered about my new collegemates and was anxious about making friends as I didn't want to be alone.  I prayed so hard that i would make some nice new friends. Well to my surprise I met one of my classmates from secondary school there but he  was doing a different course. We were just hanging out together and then I  made  friends  with a girl who was doing her foundation in mass communication. I was so excited that at least I had two people I could be around with. However, later on I made more friends who were doing the same course as me and we have all have became quite close. 
             One thing for sure that caught my eye was the FOOD at campus. There is such variety of food -  Chinese, Korean, Western, and in the food court there is a  mamak shop, Japanese, and more Western. I also found FAMOUS AMOS!!! I could just smell it from miles away.
             So on the 1st day of the orientation, I decided to try out Ohana which was on the same row as Old Town White Coffee. It has more of a Hawaiian concept. I tried out their pancakes and two of my other friends tried out their sandwiches. The pancakes were delicious!!!!  It was very filling and done well.  According to my friends, the sandwiches were really tasty too although I am guessing the prices at the food court are more reasonable.
            Let me just give you some other examples of food outlets that are around campus.There are places such as Starbucks, Subway, Baskin Robbins, Hoagies, Noodle Station and many more. It feels like as if I am in shopping mall! Isn’t that cool? At least I don’t have to worry about the unhealthy, boring canteen- like food that I have never eaten at all in school.
          On the second day of the orientation, I had a good time as there were many other activities that we had to participate in for instance, team building. This is where most of us work  together and make new friends. We even met  the Dean and she managed to introduce some of the lectures who were going to teach us. Well I think most of us were anxious because we were wondering whether our lecturers were going to be nice.. There was even a short talk about clubs and societies that we can join and believe me I have never seen so many clubs  and societies  in my life! Since we have to join at least one club, I have decided to join the music club. I hope I will have fun in this club. If you are wondering why I chose this club is basically because I LOVE MUSIC!!
         Anyway this is all i have to say for now. I will keep you all posted from time to time.Till then take care and have a nice day

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