Sunday 15 May 2011

Streets of Malaysia ! part 2

            On the street where I live!! JALAN  DESA UTAMA! The most happening place to be!!!

  Well when I arrived as a bundle from the hospital I looked at this long road and I thought to myself where on earth was I in?? There was a feeder road alongside the main road and that was the street  where I lived. A white house was where I was going to live for the next 18 years!!
  There was a white dog named King who unfortunately was so depressed with my arrival  and decided to run away from home! What a great impact I had!

 Ok back to the street where I live... I  can get many types of food such as chicken rice, chee chong fun, nasi lemak bungkus, briyani, roti canai, local cakes, soya bean drink/curd ,roja , cendol and also where there are two fruit sellers. So as you can see my street provides me food for my very hungry stomach.

 Oh ya we not only have three clinics close by but a hospital at the end of the street. It was so convenient (to have the hospital) cause when I fell sick a few years go my mum found it easier to take care of me and also to run home to take care of my sister. Haha

On one the side of my street there is a  fire station so in case there is an emergency they are just a step away.

To the other end of my street there are two schools SK TAMAN DESA and the very great SMK DESA
PERDANA !! My two lovely schools which bring back good and fun memories!!

Along that road too is my aunt's house where when I miss my transport and have to walk home I can just ring the bell and drop by for a drink or lunch and get sent home.

 Talking about school, I remember the students would use my street for their jogathons or to walk past on Merdeka day celebrations. I use to be one of those students and I was always embarrassed by my family members who would insist on standing at the gate waving their Malaysia flags as i walk by! Haha... glad I am done with that !
    On the street where I live, I used to cycle around with my maid and dad but later on it became quite dangerous as there were alot of cars and I guess you know what Malaysian drivers are best at! DRIVING TOO FAST! Gosh  can you believe they dared to speed in a housing estate. Oh well, maybe they have future plans to become F1 drivers...haha

    I have also seen many accidents that have taken place on my street. Young drivers and older drivers ,big cars and smaller car , and motorcyclists who are always victims cause they ride like CRAZY!!

  Did I mention I have have seen many creatures I am not talking about people here but ANIMALS!! Yup monkeys, iguanas, and some funny round blob of an animal that we couldn't make out that was hopping on our telephone wires one night.

  On various occasions like festivals, when we stand on our street we can can observe beautiful fireworks coming from the condominium in front of us or from the houses at the back of us.
  Well now you know about my street. isn't it such a happening place??  Haha, well don't hurry move into the neighbourhood though cause it would be too crowded.( laughing)
 Seriously though come over one day and I can show you some nice places to eat at.

This is my last blog and I am going to miss doing this!! I hope my blogs have been interesting!!!

Till then... adios amigos

Streets of Malaysia !!!! part 1

                                                     JONKER STREET, MALACCA


  Two hours or less from Kuala Lumpur is Malacca... and peeps please don't embarrass yourselves by saying you don't know where Malacca is! Pleaseeee...
   Malacca is such a quaint city south of KL and right in the middle of KL and Singapore. It seems it was quieter in the old days - meaning my parents' time - but today especially during the weekends it is pretty bustling in the city centre.You experience jams heading into and out of the city    
       Well I have been to Malacca  for about 5 times but when i was younger it wasn't really interesting and I think it was still not developed properly. But I really a short but memorable visit in 2009 when I saw so many changes and activities to take part in.
  Oh yeah, this historical city which Paraneswara of Temasek (present-day Singapore) founded and named was awarded the UNESCO  Cultural World Heritage Site in 2008.
     There are so many streets you can walk along or drive through  but the one street that really impressed me was JONKER STREET!! I never even knew it existed but on that visit in 2009 I realised it was a place that had been there for ages.
   Jonker Street is the core area of UNESCO heritage site! Imagine that!! It's the centre of Chinatown and has such a vibrant feel whether at night or during the blistering sun. You see the whole world walking by - both Asian and Caucasian faces.
It has many old buildings dating back to it seems the 17th Century and they have both Portuguese and Dutch influences. The once dilapidated buildings have been given a face lift while still maintaining their facade.
 There are many art galleries and the like but naturally I was more drawn to the shopping outlets especially the clothes' stores that carried more ethnic and Asian-inspired motifs or designs. These clothes were a little costly somewhat like KL prices but they were NICE.
Also along Jonker Street were other shops selling antique wares, souvenirs  and some unusual gifts etc.
And there were no shortages of food outlets selling the famous chicken rice balls, nyonya ice kacing and cendol etc.
At night when we drove by there were some cosy pubs and bars but of course these were off limits to me as I was underaged!
    Even this year I went back to Malacca for the weekend and Jonker Street was on the top on my list! But this time the chicken rice wasn't so great but the cendol made up for it.
    This street gives you a different experience and you can just walk and walk and you wouldn't get tried cause you will get distracted with all the shops. If hope you haven't visited Malacca or haven't been there in ages PLEASE go and check out the place!! I am sure you are gonna have fun!!!
   Well I got to go but I hope you enjoyed reading this post!! Till next time!!=)



Saturday 7 May 2011

Mother's Day!!

 HEY GUYS hope you haven't forgotten. Tomorrow is MOTHER'S DAY!
Yes it's the day to thank and appreciate all the mummies in the world!

So I advise  those who haven't gotten their mum anything you had better get up early in the morning, rush out to the stores to buy her something or even cook up something good so check out your fridges right now. Do you have bread ,sausage, eggs, bacon? Make sure you serve her in bed... err but please don't mess up the kitchen or spill anything on her cause you know what you'll will  get! hahaha

Make sure you get flowers for mum and if you haven't thought of that just go out side right now and go and pluck some flowers from your garden ...well that is if you have any.

You better also ensure that dad's wallet is filled with big notes! Because remember you have to take her out to lunch and dinner.. I. don't think your mum is going to sit home and and cook .

In short remember the kitchen will be closed tomorrow.Oh ya and do your own laundry even if it's throwing your soiled clothes into the washing machine.

Mother's Day is traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday of May. I believe it originated from some ancient historic celebration but most of us fashion it after the American celebration of mother's day.

As far as I  can remember Mother's Day is not such a big  deal at our home but we nevertheless take this day to join in the celebration. I believe we must celebrate motherhood or our mothers everyday. However, there's no harm joining the rest of the world by making all mothers feel extra special  on this day. At my church, we also have a Mother's Day celebration.

At home we  ( my sister and I) used to make cards and buy her (my mum) flowers and presents such as mugs, accessories and other stuff.

I also remember when making cards for my mum when I was so much younger , I used to draw and write with my crayons and although my sis never really contributed her skills towards the card I would always be generous enough to put her name in the card too. .haha

We would also make sure my dad would give us enough money to take mum out for a treat. Ya, my dad is usually outstation on such occasions.

Oh ya, we would also give some token to our aunts or family friends too on this day. Even some older unmarried aunts would be recipients of these gifts as we appreciate them for treating us like their "children" too.

The other place I remember to have always celebrated Mother's Day, was in church.
Every year in church they always have song dedications and special plays. They also give presents and flowers to the mums and they will have lunch provided for everyone.


In other countries ,Mother's Day is usually celebrated this month and in some countries like Norway it is celebrated  as early as February and some like Indonesia celebrate it as late as December.

I remember one of my friends telling me what he did for his mum last year. He composed a song for his mum!! How cool is that?? I thought it was the most sweetest thing to do.

Well different people do different things but the thought is the most important! Do whatever you feel comfortable to do...just show how much you love your mum one this Mother's Day!

Have a great day tomorrow people!!


(The picture were taken from


Okay guys guess who's back.haha

Now this week is kinda stressful cause of all the mid term exam coming up!!But i guess life still goes on right?

Now I guess you can see the title above  MAROON 5!!  LIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR 29TH OF APRIL 2011!!

Yes people I went for the concert and it was amazing! Let me just give you a rundown of how it all went!!

It was on the same day as  the ROYAL WEDDING  of Prince Willam and 'now' princess Kate. I was afraid to miss either so that's why I advise you guys to upgrade your Astro to Astro Beyond because it works miracles. Hahaha... cause you are able to record your shows!!

So I managed to record the royal wedding and got  to see Maroon 5..=)
And since we are still on the topic of the royal wedding, I just want to say that Kate's wedding gown was sooo beautiful!!

Alright enough with the wedding! Moving on to  the concert!... I was afaird that it was going to rain that day but thank God, the weather was just nice - not too hot and not too wet!
My mum got the tickets for the concert, so I decided to go there with my sister. I also found out that day that my college mate Jacqueline was also going for the same thing and both of us were so excited when we found out that we both would be there.

Oh did I mention that the tickets I got were numbered seats so my sister and I didn't have to leave earlier to get a good place. So halfway while watching the royal wedding, about 7ish, the taxi driver came and took us to  Stadium Putra and just so you know there was a massive jam there.

I have been a fan of Maroon 5 ever since they started out. It was their first time  visiting KL.
The tickets I got qualified us to sit at a private seating area where we had a table, it also got us free finger food! Even we(my sister and I) were surprised.

The concert started approximately at 9.30pm.The crowd went wild went they(the band) went up on stage.
What was even more weird, before the band came up on stage  the crowd screamed at every other movement done by someone who was just checking  the sound , or  the instruments on stage.

The band started out their performance with one of their number one hits  called 'Misery'. It was amazing how they played and sang so well.

The lead singer Adam Lavine was very entertaining and very charismatic. All this time we have heard him on a recorded version, on radio and also on cd but he really sang well live, some artist fail to sing well when it comes to live performances.

 He is also very very very good looking =) and His bandmates played their instruments  and they improvised so well.

Most of the songs they sang were their number one hits like This love, Harder To Breathe, She Will Be Loved, Makes Me Wonder, Wake Up Call, Hands All Over, and the final song was Sunday Morning...Of course before the final song the band will say thank you and they walk of the stage and then the crowd will go wild and say ' we want more' and then the band will come back on stage and have their encore.haha

It can be very predictable, but I guess who cares.

Well the concert ended about 10.40 it was a good solid one hour of entertainment! I really had fun!! I just hope they can come down another time!

This is a video I took, hopefully  its clear.

Sunday 1 May 2011



I am sure you can see this CUTE panda.Do you know that i saw this panda (Hua Mei) in the San diego zoo in 2000!! I was only 7 years old while this panda was only 4 months old.She was just a little adoreable baby  and she was being fed with a baby bottle.It is still so clear in my mind. Her parents Papa Shi Shi and Mama Bai Yun were there too.They were so protective over their little baby!

Just so you know my favourite animals are PANDAS'!!! They are just like teddy bears! Well little baby  Hua Mei's  parents originated from  China. However they were brought to the San Diego zoo to be taken care of and also they would a safe environment to welcome their baby.As you may know pandas  are endangered species because they have no habitat. That is why mama and papa panda were loaned by the Chinese government to the US to ensure the birth of an offspring.

In china the habitat of the panda is being depleted as the habitat is being used for agriculture and construction of homes and buildings. And the panda's food - bamboo - is being chopped down! Therefore the panda is not only endangered but they will also be extinct if this problem continues. Imagine us not having any food and our homes are being demolished!! Would you really like that??

There are many organizations that are helping out these endangered species by having donations so that they can provide for these lovely animals.One such organization is "save the panda fund". So guys please donate to these organizations!!

Other than pandas there are many other animals that are facing extinction or are endangered for example tigers, sharks , whales and many more.

Tigers are being hunted down for their skins and body parts by some societies that use their body part for medicinal use and exotic food !

Sharks are being killed so that they end up on your dinner table (sharks finn soup) yup its pretty famous in Malaysia!! Yucks!! no more shark's finn  for me.

I found out in wikipedia there are many organizations such as Animal Equality,Animal Liberation Brigade, The Animal A.R.K, Animal Rights UK, Animal Rights Party USA, Beauty Without Cruelty(India and South Africa), Mercy for Animals, Friends of Animals, Compassion Over Killing, Italian Horse Protection Accosiations,Animal Aid and a bunch of other organizations.

I really love animals and I hate to hear every time on the news about all the animals being endangered. It's is just sooooo sad.

Really guys it's time to wake up and think about things like this, God made animals for a purpose not to take away their lives!! We should care for them and try our very best to contribute to the society to protect these animals!!


(The picture was taken from                                                                                           



Hope you all have been having a restful day and spending time with family and friends today. But some of us have to labour on even on this auspicious day. Haha.
Anyway these two images on top were taken by me some months ago. Aren't they just adorable... and so well taken. Hehe.
Some animals are so nice to observe and sometimes even to touch. How wonderfully God has made all creatures.
However, as for me, I do get scared of some of the more ferocious animals and of course some that give me the creeps.
Yup, you wouldn't want to come up against a lion, tiger or that serpent unless there's a well-fortified fence between us! I know sometimes even that little lizard or rat can send me scurrying away in mighty fear. Ya, that's me...
But two months, I was taking a lovely morning walk down my road when I saw a young boy of maybe 8 or 10 years old taunting a pregnant black-and-white cat. This same cat was the one who a few months earlier had littered 5 young ones on the balcony of my back room. And oh dear, what a problem we had trying to rescue the kittens as the mother cat refused to let us go near them. Also they hid  every time we tried to bring them down. They made such a stinky mess that we had to live with! Much later some workmen helped us rescue the kittens and sent them to a much more suitable environment.
But here I was watching this kid victimize the same cat. I sure didn't want this cat back on my balcony but I really felt sorry for it. The boy used a stick to hit it and was throwing stones at it. I told the boy not to do it but he ignored me. Later his mother came by and scolded him and the torment for the cat finally stopped.
A few days later I heard the "meowing" of a cat nearby and on investigating I saw the same with a litter of kittens. I asked myself what if that boy had abused or even caused the death of that cat? It would have meant the death of these innocent kittens.
This got me thinking of what rights do animals and birds of the field have? We humans - students, employees - have some kinds of rights, don't we. There is a labour union that protects most workers. But does anyone protect these defenseless animals?
The answer is yes! We not only have animal rights movements around the world but also here in Malaysia. Some of them include Malaysian Animal Rights Society, SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). These societies are especially active in caring for animals that a being neglected, ill-treated or abandoned.
Instead of spending so much money on buying good breed dogs and cats for example why not adopt abandoned ones who need a home. Visit pet shelters where you may just fall in love with a dole-eyed doggy!

Well some animals like for example the horse in the above picture,used to be race horse. It was a champion horse meaning it won many races in its carrier. But the route to its glory days was sometimes painful as its rider or also known as jockeys would dig their spurs into the horses' body to make them run faster.Today this horse is out to pasture as its running days are over.It is now used in Batu Feringhi in Penang as a tourist attraction to take people on a gallop along the beach. I am sure some people will abuse such animals whose legs are tired and weary and  in some places people load all kinds of  heavy goods as a means of transportation. 

Well all I am saying is, if u see a cat or dog trying to mess up your place have a HEART! They are all God's creations!! Even the horses  although they big and strong don't take them for granted cause they can also be tender!

Sunday 24 April 2011


  To my dear readers,

        Yes I am back again! part two of the' best places to go too'. Ok I hope my stories so far is interesting and not so boring. I'm still quite new to blogging so please bare with me. Sometimes getting new ideas seem so difficult but I am trying my very best. So hope you all enjoy!=)

      Well I know I have spoken about New Zealand in my previous post but now I am going to talk about a place that most children dream to be in and maybe some adults too!! Its called 'DISNEY LAND'.
Yes yes I know you all must be wondering why a teenager is so excited to blog about Disney Land. haha. I guess I can say that if you actually visited this 'fun land' you will why I am so excited.

     As any child we all loved CARTOONS! We all had our favourite disney shows and characters. If your wondering what is my favourite show in Disney is Sleeping Beauty!! Now don't think I am sleepy head cause I am not! My favourite character is mickey mouse of course.

           I visited the US of A back when I was little – like seven years old. Yeah, in Standard One! Goodness me that sure seems such a long, long time ago. But I can’t remember many parts of this family trip but I sure remember Disneyland!

         Disneyland is a fun place, a theme park situated in Anaheim in California. It’s well designed and HUGE. There are just so many attractions and rides that one can get on.  The many attractions included Indiana Jones Adventure, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain and Magic Mountain (where Mickey Mouse keeps climbing the mountain to meet Minnie Mouse). So fun.
       As you walk around the theme park you can sometimes meet your favourite character. I managed to meet most of them Sleeping Beauty, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Cinderella, Mary Poppins, Pluto, Rafiki (from The Lion King), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Jasmine (Alaiddin), Pochantas, and of course Mickey Mouse… and the list goes on.
    Oh yes, did I mention that I managed to pose with Sleeping Beauty and that photograph is framed and sits on a self in my dining room!
     There was a very scary part (well, I was only seven) when we walked past a beautiful castle in the park and we could see one of the curtained windows and after very few minutes the curtain would move and the witch from Sleeping Beauty pops her head out. And you guys know just how scary she is, right?
     I also managed to sit down and have a portrait of my self done. We brought it back so carefully but guess what? My mum can’t find it. SHE MISPLACED IT!!
    We ate lots of American food there too like pretzels and burgers (which tasted soooo nice) and down it all with lots of fizzy drinks (you can always get refills).
    I also visited many other theme parks in California such as Knotts Berry Farm and Universal Studios etc but to me Disneyland was the ULTIMATE!!!  Hopefully, you all can visit or take your children there  in the years to come  .It was just AWESOME.