Sunday 1 May 2011



Hope you all have been having a restful day and spending time with family and friends today. But some of us have to labour on even on this auspicious day. Haha.
Anyway these two images on top were taken by me some months ago. Aren't they just adorable... and so well taken. Hehe.
Some animals are so nice to observe and sometimes even to touch. How wonderfully God has made all creatures.
However, as for me, I do get scared of some of the more ferocious animals and of course some that give me the creeps.
Yup, you wouldn't want to come up against a lion, tiger or that serpent unless there's a well-fortified fence between us! I know sometimes even that little lizard or rat can send me scurrying away in mighty fear. Ya, that's me...
But two months, I was taking a lovely morning walk down my road when I saw a young boy of maybe 8 or 10 years old taunting a pregnant black-and-white cat. This same cat was the one who a few months earlier had littered 5 young ones on the balcony of my back room. And oh dear, what a problem we had trying to rescue the kittens as the mother cat refused to let us go near them. Also they hid  every time we tried to bring them down. They made such a stinky mess that we had to live with! Much later some workmen helped us rescue the kittens and sent them to a much more suitable environment.
But here I was watching this kid victimize the same cat. I sure didn't want this cat back on my balcony but I really felt sorry for it. The boy used a stick to hit it and was throwing stones at it. I told the boy not to do it but he ignored me. Later his mother came by and scolded him and the torment for the cat finally stopped.
A few days later I heard the "meowing" of a cat nearby and on investigating I saw the same with a litter of kittens. I asked myself what if that boy had abused or even caused the death of that cat? It would have meant the death of these innocent kittens.
This got me thinking of what rights do animals and birds of the field have? We humans - students, employees - have some kinds of rights, don't we. There is a labour union that protects most workers. But does anyone protect these defenseless animals?
The answer is yes! We not only have animal rights movements around the world but also here in Malaysia. Some of them include Malaysian Animal Rights Society, SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). These societies are especially active in caring for animals that a being neglected, ill-treated or abandoned.
Instead of spending so much money on buying good breed dogs and cats for example why not adopt abandoned ones who need a home. Visit pet shelters where you may just fall in love with a dole-eyed doggy!

Well some animals like for example the horse in the above picture,used to be race horse. It was a champion horse meaning it won many races in its carrier. But the route to its glory days was sometimes painful as its rider or also known as jockeys would dig their spurs into the horses' body to make them run faster.Today this horse is out to pasture as its running days are over.It is now used in Batu Feringhi in Penang as a tourist attraction to take people on a gallop along the beach. I am sure some people will abuse such animals whose legs are tired and weary and  in some places people load all kinds of  heavy goods as a means of transportation. 

Well all I am saying is, if u see a cat or dog trying to mess up your place have a HEART! They are all God's creations!! Even the horses  although they big and strong don't take them for granted cause they can also be tender!

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